Tuesday 10 May 2011

9/11 Remembrance Video


September 11th was a day that many around the world would never forget. Although it was a day of horror for the people of America, it was also a day of bravery and nobility.
The video I selected from the many on youtube, conveys every characteristic of the American people in their reaction to tragedy, grief and a truly national catastrophe. There are many pictures of the emergency services working tirelessly from the fire department and the police who rose to the challenges before them and acted with courage, wisdom and honour all basic principles of the American Way. The many pictures in this video honour and remember these heroes who lost their lives in September 11, 2001
There are pictures of people crying over loved ones they have lost and the struggles they have had to overcome. The flag is shown continually throughout the video, as it is the “remembrance flag” and is there for a reminder of the Sept 11th incident and of course it also demonstrates an overwhelming feeling of both patriotism and the huge crime against America and its people. It acts as a banner of how the Americans were united together. Ten years on and this is still a hugely significant event, is still relevant and so real in remembrance videos, articles and blogs. The American people must ensure that for future generations they must remain aware of this horror and keep the memories alive and to take this day not with sadness and desolation but with learning from the circumstances and making sure as possible in the future that such tragedies do not repeat themselves.
This video, or any video on YouTube for that matter commemorating 9/11, uses music as a universal language. To everyone else in the world watching these videos, who cannot understand the words, they would feel the emotions expressed in a song. This video, however, does not feature any music and this causes the pictures to be hauntingly real without an over-sentimental tune playing in the background. It gives a moving and sober portrayal of these terrible events.

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