Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Latino American Immigration

Within this article the Republican Party convey their strong opinions on Latino immigration. The Republican Party wants to do everything in its power to keep America as white as can be. They have blocked the minorities from voting and demanded that Latinos hand over papers if the police ask for them. The Republicans are clearly at risk of losing voters across the Latino population, which make up a big number of Americas people. It could be argued that it they continue down this path and attempt to clutch onto this power by rebuffing citizenship, Latino will have little voting privileges and this will further to minority groups in Americans. The Republicans appear quite tough within the article, their message; however, is a very political miscalculation. I believe this could lead to the isolation of millions of Latinos, who are increasingly becoming the quickest growing minority group in the country. The article regards the issue of banishing immigrants and further stopping immigrants from crossing over the border in the future. Their prejudice triggers mayhem in local communities that take their political recommendations to personally and are reinforcing racial tensions across the country.


The Latino immigrants that flock American jobs can be seen to be blamed for the misfortunes of less skilled Americans. This website tends to be more in favour of the Latino people, and believes that immigrants and native-born workers tend to meet the demands for different types of work. Immigrants are employed in jobs that natives are not willing to do in any case. Whites in America, the largest group of workers in the economy, are searching for new jobs in such diverse occupations that they seem to be on different paths in the labour market. The list of statistics on the website, indicate that the Latino immigrants are not hurting the chances of taking jobs that Americans want. The recent influx of Latin Americans provide cheap services and do jobs that free up time of Americans for more specific tasks. The website states that the decrease in wages for Latinos was highest among immigrants who arrived in the U.S within the last five years. Therefore, the newest immigrants who are benefiting from a considerable growth in employment are doing so at the expense of lower wages. This is further reinforced by their concentration in occupations calling for minimal skill and education.

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